Arthritis in your knees

Do you have pain from arthritis in your knees? Are your only options surgery or medication? Do you need to get around more comfortably
while you wait for surgery?

Our podiatrists regularly relieve pain from arthritis in knees, without surgery or medications, so our patients can lead more active
lifestyles with less pain.

Podiatry treatments, specially designed inserts, wedging, gait training, muscle strengthening, and shoes can all be used to help to relieve knee pain. These can work to offload certain areas of the knee and encourage movement in the joint resulting in smoothing
out cartilage surfaces, increasing the life of the joint and reducing the pain in the joint.

Feel comfortable knowing that your podiatrist at Active FootClinic has expertise re-balancing pressures through the knees.

Bob was suffering with knee arthritis as well as heel, arch, ankle and hip pain for 18 months.

He had old orthotics that that helped however he still had some residual pain. His pain was around 8/10 before seeing us. Within
2 weeks Bob no longer had any foot, heel or ankle pain. He reported feeling more secure and his knees stopped giving way when he walked down the street. “My knees also don’t crack like they did before”, he said.

Now when Bob stands he no longer suffers ankle or knee pain and he reports that everything feels really nicely aligned. “My knee
feels so much more stable. Even when I walk my foot isn’t slapping down. My whole leg is working better. The arthritis in my knee is so much better. Everything from my hips down feels so much better. He is now back playing tennis 2-3 times a week and months later he says, “It still feels like I am walking on clouds.”

Thanks Bob for giving us permission to share your case study.

  • Qualified Podiatrists skilled at relieving arthritis in knees

  • Simple, effective solutions

  • Avoid surgery and needles

  • No referral needed

  • Health Fund rebates on the spot

  • More than 35 000 people helped

  • Happiness guarantee for every appointment

If you think that you would like relief for your knees, book online, call us, or enquire with reception today!