Ball of foot pain
Limping out of bed in the morning? Walking barefoot causing pain? Not comfortable in shoes?
The “ball of the foot” includes a complex and delicate arrangement of joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves and small arteries and veins – all of which are vulnerable to injury.
Common causes of pain in the ball of the foot include:
Strain of the plantar plate
Mortons Neuroma, an enlarged inflamed nerve
Arthritis of a joint
stress fracture
osteoporotic fracture
The good news is that pain in the ball of the feet is often simply managed with podiatry treatment, without the need for surgery. When you make an appointment at the Active Foot Clinic your podiatrist will assess your pain, diagnose your condition, analyse your foot posture, footwear and walking pattern. They will be looking for any underlying problems or contributing factors. Your podiatrist can also refer for x-rays or ultrasounds if required, however a diagnosis can generally be reached at your appointment. We will then discuss treatment options and can start straight away.
Qualified Podiatrists skilled at relieving ball of foot pain
Simple, effective solutions
Avoid surgery and needles
No referral needed
Health Fund rebates on the spot
More than 40 000 people helped
Happiness guarantee for every appointment