Heal your Achilles heel TODAY!

Pain in your Achilles heel can be debilitating. You might find that you can't be as fit and active as you want. Achilles injuries have a tendency to be slow healers which can be endlessly frustrating. There's a reason why they call it your Achilles heel!

Every day we help people all around the region to find relief for their Achilles pain. Here at AFC all of our podiatrists have training and expertise in developing treatment plans that are just right for you.

Why have I injured my Achilles?

There may be a few reasons why the Achilles injures, however in most cases you can overload or strain your Achilles faster than it is able to heal. This results in degeneration which you feel as pain.

Our podiatrists have found that if you are not executing the correct treatments or performing certain treatments in the right way healing to your Achilles could be delayed, your injury or issue could reoccur or your pain won't resolve at all! Thankfully there are a number of effective treatments available for you.

What are the most up to date and effective treatments for Achilles injuries?

There are a number of things that can help your Achilles heel which we have found to be effective including; podiatry strength 'heel raises' that insert into your shoes, orthotics that balance your tendon and assist healing, proven strength programs and Dolorclast Therapy. All of our podiatrists are trained to work with you in these various treatments to ensure your relief.

Specifically, Dolorclast therapy can be very effective for Achilles issues or injuries. Dolorclast therapy is a cutting edge treatment for stimulating healing and reducing pain. It's available at our main clinic in Wagga and delivered by our skilled podiatrists. Active Foot Clinic podiatrists are also the first and only clinicians to bring this proven treatment for Achilles and heel pain to the region. To read more about Dolorclast therapy click here.

How can I get help?

To determine the true cause of your pain our podiatrists assess you thoroughly at your first appointment, including looking your foot, leg and body posture in detail when you stand, walk and run. X-rays and ultrasounds can also be ordered by our skilled podiatrists to ensure a thorough diagnosis.

If you are suffering and need to find some relief Active Foot Clinic have the most up to date Achilles relief solutions so give us a call today or book online.

Cristy Houghton