Case Study: Olwen in now pain free

Olwen wanted to stay fit, but his feet were really sore. He couldn't wait to take his shoes off when he got home. He really wanted to walk without pain. He had orthotics in Canberra which used to be great however his feet were telling him that he needed new ones. Olwen was new to town.

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Cristy Houghton
Case Study: Olivia's wart was resolved within one treatment

Olivia had a wart on the bottom of her foot that was irritating her when she walked. Her mother tried putting chilli on the wart however it didn’t seem to do anything! In the appointment  there was no pain and Olivia’s treatment only took one appointment which her mother was surprised by as her wart was pretty deep. Olivia doesn’t complain any more as the wart is gone! 

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Cristy Houghton
Case Study: Resolution of Melissa's severe shin pain

Melissa had severe shin pain so much so that she felt like her shins were going to break when playing sport or netball. We assessed Melissa thoroughly and gave her clear direction on how we were going to resolve her pain. With treatment Melissa's pain has resolved and she has continued to play sport. 

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Cristy Houghton
Case study: Getting Robyn back on her feet

Robyn* had been limping out of bed for more than 3 months. If she sat down for any period of time she hobbled out of the chair, likewise if she was on her feet for a long time her feet would ache in pain. Life was becoming a chore. Her pain started extending into her legs and knees and soon walking anywhere was a real effort.

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Cristy Houghton